Education & Learning Resources

Online Tools

Get your Connecticut Driver’s, CDL, or Motorcycle License with Driving-Tests. This free resource provides:

  • Online copies of all three CT Driver’s Manuals
  • Practice exams for each test, including specialized CDL topics
  • An AI coach to help you learn

Access it for free at the library or at home! 

From projects and lesson plans to casual research, History Reference Source can help you connect to the past through:

  • Articles, reference books, primary sources, and biographies
  • Thousands of topics to help you explore ancient, world, and U.S. history
  • Teacher resources that support state and national curriculum standards
  • Google Classroom Integration 

Log in from home with your library card! 

“Job” might be in the name, but this database offers more than just employment support:

  • GED and other exam preparation materials. 
  • Live tutors in math, science, reading, writing, history, GED, college placement tests and more!
  • Microsoft Office training, including Word and Excel
  • And more!

Log in from home with your library card! 

LearningExpress Workforce Solutions offers:

  • Test preparation tools and study materials
  • Video courses to learn popular software and computer basics
  • Guided support and preparation to help you earn a high school equivalency credential.
  • And more! 

Classes and study materials are also available in Spanish. 

Log in from home with your library card! 

No matter where you are in life, Legal Information Source can support you. Find resources such as:

  • Thousands of printable forms such as rental agreements, wills, patent applications, power of attorney, and more
  • Access to full reference books from NOLO, the oldest and most respected provider of legal information 
  • Support for small business and financial literacy 

Log in from home with your library card! 

Search 19 different databases in one portal! Curtesy of the Connecticut State Library, researchIT will give you access to:

  • Academic and scholarly resources
  • Primary resources
  • Newspapers

Log in from home with your library card! 

Whether you are a student, teacher, or passionate explorer – Science Reference Source can help:

  • Reference books, articles, and videos
  • Biographies of scientists
  • Over 2,500 lesson plans for teachers
  • Includes topics ranging from the solar system to forensics

Log in from home with your library card! 

Starting a new business? Looking for support with your current business? Small Business Source has you covered:

  • Start-up kits, including printable legal forms
  • 600+ instructional videos, including Harvard Business School Faculty Seminar videos 
  • Specialized resources for non-profit organizations
  • State-specific demographic data 

Login from home with your library card! 

Websites with Free Classes

Digital Learn offers self-paced computer classes on a range of technology topics. Classes and resources are available in English and Spanish.

GCFGlobal offers free self-paced lessons on technology, employment, reading, math, and more!

Grow with Google and Google Applied Digital Skills, both services offer free, self-paced classes. Topics range from introductory technology courses to employment and small business support. There are career certifications available, however these have costs associated with them.

Harvard University Free Online Courses offers a selection of courses for free or at a discounted rate.

MIT OpenCourseWare is an online publication of materials from over 2,500 MIT courses, freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world.

Open Yale Courses provides lectures and other materials from selected courses free of charge.

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