Donor Spotlight
The Norwich Bookies

Standing L-R Jane Shea, Judy Foley, Diane Stockton.
Seated L-R: Joan Gordon, Flossie Betten, Claire Warren.
The “Norwich Bookies” have been meeting every month for as long as they can remember. The Norwich based book club has read more than 235 books. Through their shared love of reading, they have supported one another throughout every passage of life: milestone birthdays, weddings, bar mitzvahs, births, deaths, and illnesses. No matter what heavy heart or light heart they have shared, they always return to the book at hand, prepared and ready to discuss. It’s a friendship that started with a love of reading and is tended to each month.
Recently, members Joan Gordon, Flossie Betten, Claire Warren, Jane Shea, Judy Foley and Diane Stockton gathered for their monthly book club while remembering their longtime fellow “Bookie,” Betsy Rosenberg. Betsy passed away several months ago.
The Norwich Bookies all identified Betsy as the “guiding star” of the group. Describing her as a seasoned librarian who loved research and learning. Betsy was a dedicated member and would travel from New York each month to attend the discussion. Betsy loved to read.
Over the past few months, the Norwich Bookies have considered how they should honor Betsy’s memory. Simply put, they knew books had to play a role. Otis Library serves as a community touchstone for the love of learning and reading for all, and the group wanted to be sure that that never ends. Together, they made a donation to Otis Library in memory of Betsy Rosenberg. This generous gift first serves to provide a few of Betsy’s favorite book club selections and additionally will sponsor a storytime program. The Norwich Bookies value connection, community, learning, exploring and reading! Together, we remember their dear friend, gifted librarian, lover of books and knowledge, Betsy Rosenberg.
Your generous gift, no matter what size, works together with other gifts to ensure that the Library is able to provide the materials, programs, and services that are needed to strengthen our community. Please contact Andrea Kaiser, Director of Development, with questions or to discuss the impact of your donation.
(860) 889-2365 x127